Monday, July 30, 2007

Nab poll shows homeownership continues to be the great Aussie dream

For most Australians, buying a home is their biggest goal in life, a survey shows.
According to the NAB survey, buying a home is better than world travel, having a family or volunteering - in that order.
Almost 80 per cent of 25- to 34-year-olds also put bricks and mortar near the top of their list, just behind seeing more of the world.
The research also showed that younger generations tended to have more goals and aspirations than their parents and grandparents.
While many young people list owning their own home as their number one goal it is still just one of many that they want to achieve during their lifetime.
People aged 16 to 24 tend to have about five big life goals while those in other age groups averaged two goals.
Other insights from the NAB Big Life Survey include Queenslanders listing overseas travel and owning their own home among their biggest goals in life.
Compared to other states Queenslanders were also most likely to list buying the car of their dreams.
Compared to other states, South Australians were the least likely to list a huge adventure, such as climbing Mt Everest, as one of their big goals in life.
The top three goals for South Australians included seeing more of the world, volunteering and owning their own home.
West Australians were among those most likely to list having a family among their big life goals but still listed overseas travel, volunteering and owning their own home before having children.
Victorians and Tasmanians were most likely to want to travel when compared against other states.
People in NSW tended to share the nation's top goals with travel, volunteering and home ownership heading the list.
Source: AAP