Sunday, July 15, 2007

Homeowners stuck with higher mortgage repayments according to Labor treasury.

Mortgage repayments have soared in New South Wales since 2001 thanks to eight interest rate rises under the Coalition Government, Federal Opposition treasury spokesman Wayne Swan said.
Census data released today shows the number of households paying more than 30 per cent of their income to mortgage repayments has nearly doubled across the state in the five years to 2006, Mr Swan said.
In 2001, 106,044 households had mortgages over the 30 per cent repayment mark.
That number increased to 203,569 in 2006, which equals a 92 per cent increase.
In metropolitan Sydney, the increase over the same period went from 64,510 to 127,384 households - a jump of 97 per cent, Mr Swan said.
Outside the metropolitan areas of NSW the five year increase to 2006 of homeowners paying over 30 per cent of their income to mortgage repayments rose by 83 per cent.
Mortgage holders in Prime Minister John Howard's electorate of Bennelong have seen the figure jump 101 per cent, Mr Swan said.
The Opposition treasury spokesman said the census data shows neither Mr Howard nor Federal Treasurer Peter Costello can be trusted to look after the interests of Australian mortgage holders. Source: AAP